845.290.1900 info@joelpaul.com

Help Yourself by Helping A Reporter Out (HARO)

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach A good way to find success in your career is to be seen as an expert in your field. If you were a hiring manager with two equally qualified accounting candidates for your job opening, would you hire the one who had been quoted on...

On Resubmitting a Resume

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach A question that often puzzles job seekers is the following: should I submit my resume to a company a second time if I never heard anything back the first time? The answer of if one should apply for a second job at a company before...

Never Pay for Just a Resume

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach A job seeker should not use a resume writer who will not teach the person how to change their resume for every job.  A resume is part of a job seeker’s campaign to advertise their skills, experience and qualifications for the job....

Does Work from Home actually Work?

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach Ah, the illusive dream. With monthly Metrocards now over $100, wouldn’t it be nice to roll out of bed and work in our pajamas all day? Actually I would get a bit stir crazy as I need to get some sunlight and be out of my...

Just saying Hello goes a Long Way

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach If you are a fan of the show Seinfeld, you undoubtedly remember the character Uncle Leo. Jerry’s uncle would demand a hello from him no matter the situation (even while being arrested for petty theft). Some of us would benefit from...

Why We Change Jobs So Frequently

Author: Lavie Margolin, Career Coach The nomadic trend of changing jobs every few years is partly due to the abundance of information available today. At any moment, you can stay up to date on the jobs available within your industry and apply in just a few moments. In...